The Death Mountain Hermit says, Been There, Done That
Thu, Nov 1, 2007 - 12:52pm ET

Funny thing, past archives. Trips down memory lane often, for verisimilitude, require allusions (often tongue-in-cheek) to old cultural or historical thingamabobbers. As such, the header "Been There, Done That" was a popular thing to say in the late nineties, and still persists somewhat today; and the title "PKB:: Cave Of The Past" puns upon 1. where you are now and 2. a videogame RPG that is very dear to me. At any rate, below are in reverse chronological order all my past updates from the time I began archiving, starting in September of 2007 -- which means you get the one 2005 update which actually includes the final 2004 update. Old stuff! $:^ ]

Some interesting facts on the history of this website:

Now For The Actual Archives...

Brandon W. Horton
ParodyKnaveBob $:^ J