The Death Mountain Hermit says, Today, I Relaunch My Website
Thu, Sep 20, 2007 - 11:53am ET

I'm a free man.

$¦^ )

I don't know yet how often I'll update this site, but I do intend now to make it a regular hobby, a frequent occurrence. Because my life is in flux once again, (moving soon I hope,) I declare I'll update at least once per month for now. Later, I want to do it more, once I maybe get back into the swing of things. If that can ever happen with me. $:^ P

My Entrance is refurbished, as you most likely already saw. My Calendar is true again, and after a solid few years finally has a graphical chart! I'm now keeping Archives of my past updates -- history is fun. My Q'n'A is ancient and utterly obsolete, and I'll be fixing this in the background for a little while.

Of course, with that whole freedom thing, I'm hardcore on the market for a new place of abode -- but also in the realm of casual window shopping, "Yes, ladies, I'm single!"

Brandon W. Horton
ParodyKnaveBob $:^ J