The Death Mountain Hermit says, Must..Break..Pattern!
Thu, Dec 7, 2007 - 2:36pm EDT

I'm a week late updating. But I got my apartment! Now I'm trying to get lots of little life things back on track while moving little-by-little. Looks like I'll have to shoot for two or three weeks for the next update if I were gonna keep this thing on schedule.

I modified one little thing sitewide, just a silly acronym I'd used in code which kept confusing me, and now it's a more understandable whole word for abbreviation. So that's good stuff. Only the minutest delvers into my source code would recognize any change.

Thanksgiving was mostly good. Family. Mmph. The next weekend rocked, though, with a "Progressive Dinner" with good family. I got a Santa hat, a frog massager, and lots of messy stringy tinsel. Throughout about a month's time, though, one specific friend and I dropped contact, which concerned me pretty greatly. Fortunately, I found out, it didn't seem to have anything to do with personal stuff--just a doctrine/practice thing. Cool. That I can deal with. I hate personal awkwardness. Black-and-white Truth, however, I can deal with. Especially since to-learn-that-this-was-the-case, we had to regain contact; contact being regained is good good.

Update in three weeks--maybe two!

Brandon W. Horton
ParodyKnaveBob $:^ J