The Death Mountain Hermit says, We Are Assimilated.
Sat, Mar 29, 2008 - 3:47pm EDT

We have Windows. We are now Macrosquash. You, too, will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

So now that I have Windows XP Home Edition (no clunky Vista for me!), what have I been up to on the ol' computer there now then yet? Not my website. I played with some Cascading Style Sheet stuff on like one class of element. Nothing much to speak of. Mainly, this month, I've been tinkering with other things. I've barely even played Pokémon Blue Version (on loan) for my own stuff:

I have a mostly working Calculator program now! I've been using Game Maker 7.0 Lite to get in some good practice on parent-child object relationships, keyboard interface workarounds, Windows built-in function emulation, and a bunch of other little technical things (including sound manipulation in other test programs I made) that shall greatly help me in the future to build "real" projects with this amazing, powerful little tool. Man, I don't even wanna say little -- it's grown immensely since I last really used it years ago, and even then it was surely bigger than I really knew. And good for Mr. Overmars getting in cahoots with Yoyo Games, Ltd.! Good for him, good for them, good for me/us. Rock on. Businesses and customers helping each other out make me happy. $:^ ] "Mostly working." See, in all my interface tinkering, I still haven't actually gone back and made it display and recalculate certain results properly. $:^ P But I do intend to fix that. I've got it all nicely documented and everything.

I've composed music! Or, more exactly, I finished composing a melody I started a couple years ago. (It's like my brain picked up right where it last left off, even with having to start a MIDI file from scratch all over again. Weird!) I started with Anvil Studio and have only used it thus far. (Well, I did record some voice memos, vocalizing music while at work then at home, to use as reference points.) To tell you the truth, I'd much prefer Noteworthy Composer, but I'm not yet ready to spend the money for it. I do intend to spend the money for it and for Game Maker 7.0 Pro eventually, but right now I'm still like in learning stages and stuff. So um. Yeah. "Time takes time." -- Stephen King

I've been working on my tU logo! Using Inkscape. Don't know the URL.

Oh yeah. I found out that the major defense items (the Ribbons!) I'd really needed to finish Final Fantasy with my Pilfer Death Pain Backstab party I'd already unwittingly sold and thrown away ages ago. I had no intention to level up for days on end and still possibly not be able to get lucky enough to survive all the mess, so I just gave it back and borrowed in its place PBV, aforementioned in my second paragraph.

I'll see if I can't redo Links or get back to reworking Q'n'A for next update.

Brandon W. Horton
ParodyKnaveBob $:^ J