The Death Mountain Hermit says, Good News
Wed, Jul 30, 2008 - 2:44pm EDT

The primary source of Good News deals with the Good News itself, the gospel. In the course of the tent meeting, let's see, I think it was six baptisms and three publicly announced restorations. More Good News has been happening after the tent, too. Sheesh. The most recent new addition (Acts 2:38,41,47) is a former "Jehovah's Witness" (Watchtower Witnesses I call 'em) among other things, so he's happy to come door knocking this coming Saturday. Which, by the way, I don't want to add door knocking to the Calendar yet because I'm not sure how unique or regular this'll be after this weekend. Hopefully, it'll be regular.

I mentioned last time my friend and the awkwardness and the potential for good, bad, or neutral results. If I had to say results were neutral, I'd certainly say we're on the good side of neutral. $:^ ) The root of the aforementioned awkwardness still exists, but in a somewhat different form now; therefore, the symptom of awkwardness-itself is more-or-less gone. Yay.

Good news! I left MySpace! Whoo-hoo! heeheeheehee

In other .. um .. news, my poor little Calculator. I was ready to post in this update that I was through with it. I started revamping visuals when I realized I needed to start most of my revampment from scratch; I downloaded and installed Gimp and everything. But then about that same day, I found a horrible, horrible bug, pretty much by accident, that affected the ones place. Not way down in the decimal structure, but right there in the whole numbers! Not good. I knew right then that I either needed to construct functions to handle each and every digit individually (no way) or just scrap it, holding onto it as not much more than a nifty souvenir. However! Just today, I used it again and realized that the one problem seems to have come specifically from working addition/subtraction with an ending decimal of 49. That makes sense. My hypothesis that GML is based on C/C++ seems consistent with this continual rounding issue. Rounding a .5 has about a 50/50 shot of going up or down; for example, one of the most high-tech machines in my entire occupational real-world-job workplace has the same issue with a decimal ending in 5. But! At any rate, since this isn't just some arbitrary bug for which I had no idea how it happened, but is instead again based upon an understandable (if yet silly) rounding problem, I might be able to fix this after all. I'm trying to avoid spaghetti code, but my nice layers of lasagna might have to be sliced up a little more for this. "If numbers have this stupid ending here, then do this other function {in addition to, in place of} the normal function." Maybe someday I'll return to that and try to fix it. Not today, though. $:^ } So yeah, the possibility that it's fixable-without-rewriting-everything is this glum paragraph's good news.

Oh yeah, got to hang out with my earthly sister this past week. That's cool.

Good news: Dead Sea Scrolls.

Ack! Almost forgot! So yeah, about my Q'n'A that I just figured I'd have done for this update. Yeah. No. See, in the last week or so, I decided to scrap pretty much everything I have, starting with the format, (ja really,) which will incorporate a Links page, killing two keese with one boomerang. As such, I want to try to have that done next month, but it might take two. Links are harder for me to do without that whole Internet connection thing. However, I wouldn't be too surprised if I change that by the end of this year, too. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Brandon W. Horton
ParodyKnaveBob $:^ J