The Death Mountain Hermit says, New Calendar Up!
Tue, Dec 9, 2008 - 9:50pm EST

So, I'm really quite late in updating for November. But you know what? I don't really care! Considering this is a hobby vs. real work or even an interpersonal activity, my only real obligation is to myself; and, considering I had to redo all my Calendar's info, pretty much top to bottom, while dealing with all the other crazinesseseses of life, I know I didn't have a week-plus delay for nothing.

Crazy life stuff? Somehow or another, instead of doing the behind-the-scenes tech stuff and things for my work/schooling, like I was originally presented and opportuned, I'm now every single Sunday in the front lines giving lessons in the assemblies--plus helping behind the scenes where I can. Sheesh, wow. Daunting, to say the least. Other crazy life stuff has dealt with certain friendships and acquaintanceships and things; ~shakes head~; I don't know if all that will ever be stable--at least until God ends the universe anyway.

I finished The World of Mother 3. It's just like the tagline says. "Strange. Funny. Heart-rending." (Or as it was translated in an MTV News story some years back, "It is bizarre. It is amusing. It is devastating.") Laugh-out-loud funny a lot of the time. And literally a crying shame at other times. I won't say when, exactly, nor for what reasons, exactly, but -- EarthBound, (Mother 2,) at some point in time during the game, made me cry; Mother 3, (EarthBound 2,) at some point in time during the game, made me sob. Man. Good stuff. Fassad. The Commander. The Pig King. Villains fit for classical literature. Humorous tragedy, uncomfortable comedy, self-referential surprises, very three-dimensional emotions in this title!

Okay. I'm done. Until next time.

Brandon W. Horton
ParodyKnaveBob $:^ J