[Lazz] Finally, A Fresh Face!

3:28am EDT, Fri, July 18, 2003
Edit: 12:37am EDT, Sat, July 19, 2003

The Parody Knave grokked a PNG for Lazz to legally change to a GIF after much insiting on Lazz's part. In doing all this, Lazz gets to "have" this update; he gave Bob a crisp, new 90x90 pic of .. this "dib" guy .. from Invader Zim .. so that's what you see now! (instead of the 50x50 blown up and pixelated thing that Bob slapped together before)

The bottom hermit avatar is the old JPG for your comparison of the quality of the two -- and notice that the lower-grade JPG is about four times the size of the GIF, which is actually a little bigger than the PNG, but oh well, less-than-a-kilobyte is still less-than-a-kilobyte.

Bob posting wholly on behalf of Lazz



[PKB] You Know The Old Pun

10:49am EDT, Tue, July 8, 2003

"Just the FAQs" and all that. I'll surely add more nonsense to that page as it comes to mind.

I'm not really sure about whole use-the-O-as-a-bullet-icon idea anymore. With the avatar, and the fact that an icon would shift the headline kind of oddly to one direction, bleh, I don't think I even want to try it (yet).

I'm thinking, maybe I should mock-up another avatar or two just so people (such as myself) could see what this page would look like without the massive onslaught of the mountain hermit's goofy mug. Maybe if I let Lazz GIF these images like he really wants to do, I'll throw up his picture for the update. ~shrug~

ParodyKnave Extraordinaire



[PKB] Here's Lookin' At You, Kid.

7:00pm EDT, Sat, July 5, 2003
Edit: 6:56pm EDT, Mon, July 7, 2003

Just to keep my writin' mind inspired and show off my goofy little avatar, this is an update. I only used five flat colors to force myself to not slave over it for too long, but I didn't just roughly slap it together, either, like I did my "Crossroads Village" banner.

Oh yeah, thanks to Raccoo for suggesting I throw the updaters' pics on the right side to further differentiate from Penny Arcade whom I did not intentionally copy.

I guess if/when I single out my "O" for the headlines, I'll simply edit it into this box thingy. If/when I turn the border blue-white-gray (vs. the current brown-yellow-gray), I'll surely use this box for that as well (for further comparison of boxes).

And stuff.



[PKB] Bordering On Content!

1:07am EDT, Wed, July 2, 2003
Edit: 7:19pm EDT, Thu, July 3, 2003

(By the way, I added ": Home" to the title of this page, so now "NOVA:: Crossroads Village" (index.html) links to "NOVA:: Crossroads Village: Home" (home.html).)

As you can tell, that crappy little bordercolor="yellow" has been replaced by a much prettier table format. If you can't tell, compare this update-news-post-whatever box to the one below. For shame.

In case you're curious, this look is most certainly original, but owes its inspiration to EarthBound (Mother 2 in Japan), especially its Banana and Peanut flavors, even though my favorite flavor is Mint. Sometimes Plain. I can't even remember what flavor my current file is--it's been too long since I continued, daggone it. Oh, if you don't know what I'm talking about, my gosh, go find it and play it immediately for the Super NES (or import the GBA version) by Nintendo / HAL / APE. Starmen.Net has more information than you'd ever want to know about your Mother.

PKBob  $:^ ,


[PKB] ParodyKnaveBob Continues Having Too Much Fun

6:00am EDT, Sat, June 28, 2003
(Edited 6:14pm EDT, Tue, July 1, 2003)

"New Order of Videogame A-Somethings" probably needs to go in the logo, now that "Crossroads Village" has found its way into a ridiculous little header..

I now have some navigation to go with that logo. The links don't work, but it looks pretty and could work easily, and that's all I'm going for right now.

This yellow-border thing is kinda silly, so it probably won't be here long. It'd be nice to make a rounder border from pictures for 3-D yellow-gel look ... or brown gradient ... or something ... I'm not sure how to do that using only div tags and CSS and tolerant code, so I'll probably have to revert to good old tables for that, like that which I added to the bottom navigation bar. But hey, at least I got rid of that blinding white background for the text.

This whole thing is more for my personal satisfaction than NOVA, as I doubt what I'm doing here will actually get used, really, ya know? Alright, have fun. Toodles!

Official NOVA Stationery?

Official NOVA Faxes? $:^ P